Friday, July 30, 2010

Chinese revolution

With the rapidly changing external environment, business, cost pressures increase, companies face business model may change at any time, CIO and corporate managers will face more than ever, more severe challenges of change. Enterprise IT departments and CIO to take on more responsibility and pressure, but also will usher in even greater opportunities. "Enterprises must change, otherwise you will die," Tom turned Peter's maxim also continue to be the entrepreneurs of identity. Although the increasingly urgent change, however, China's enterprise managers are not much experience in the management of change, there are data show that 60% of Chinese enterprises and even change over the final ended in failure, and the use and development of IT technology makes it all the Today it has become distinctive, it is clear that as long as the appropriate use of IT technology, today's changes in risk compared to the last the world has made it clear that new ways and means to resolve.

Each company to be successful every change is difficult and complex, obviously, this transformation can be achieved very easily, we should consider whether the call changes, or changes can only be called, ViewSonic vice president and chief information officer Robert Moon considered "Today's CIO should first and foremost a businessman, followed by the technical leader." This means that the CIO was not only a technical expert to demands on themselves, but to become the enterprise generalists. Now select the CIO's role, it means that changes in this risk rising, only a deep understanding of enterprise business operation mode, CIO to continue to defuse the risk of these changes at any time prior to the arrival of CEO aware of changes in breath and by means of IT firm CEO and other senior changes in the determination to become CEO of a good assistant and policy staff, and even successors.

A Failure of Reform Enterprise

Wen / Sun Wenliang

A business is the production of instant noodles in 2000 to develop food-based industry giant, the initial rapid development. 2002, A Company of instant noodle sales have reached 5,000 million. In 2004, the number suddenly rose to 500 million yuan, turned 10 times. Market peak in 2005, A company achieved sales of 700 million yuan Zeng.

A rapid rise of business is marketing with a series of excellent and effective communication, which "refused to fry, more healthy," a series of ads beginning in 2004 on the one hand the authority of the media through CCTV and other high-altitude bombing, on the other hand through the mass free media speculation, "not fried" concept quickly to seize the voice of the mainstream market.

Start early, A company in more than 20 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and major cities intensively established 48 marketing companies, more than 200 sales branches, weaving has played a huge marketing network, not just the country that are still a few major cities such as Beijing, Hangzhou, established a core factories and warehouses, just two years, A company has became the leader in China's instant noodle market.

A company's success has not led to speculation in other enterprises in the same industry to follow suit, not what is not healthy fried instant noodles also have not been recognized authority departments and agencies. Although the market did not follow up on competitors can be the exclusive trading company A has a problem, although in 2006 A company advertising campaign unabated, could sales of year-end A company is still hovering around 700 million yuan.

With sales stalled, A business management problems also come to light. The first is ads, the so-called out of sheep wool, the huge advertising costs directly reflected in the pricing of products, which makes A company's products in the terminal price is higher than the same number of grams of instant noodles products installed more than 30%, and A majority of consumers tasted the product and business generally reflects poor taste.

Another building in the channel, A business into other cities and in the channel, are sent directly from the headquarters of the team, but the system of management of these networks is very lag specification, between headquarters and the network is more incentive, few constraints mechanism. A number of enterprises as an indicator of payment, to check in the way staff work, and some sent from a group of business personnel to meet assessment requirements, privately and distributors agreed to rebate back to the demand and conditions, but also some business with the pit personnel and distributors ? corporate behavior.


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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Call ChooseColor function in PowerBuilder

First create a Custom user object and is defined as Structure (OS_ChooseColor):
long lstructsize
ulong hwndowner
ulong hinstance
long rgbresult
blob lpcustcolors
long flags
long lcustdata
long lpfnhook
long lptemplatename

Define instance variables:

os_ChooseColor istr_ChooseColor
long il_CustomInitColors [16]
blob (64) ibl_CustomColors

Defined external function::

function boolean ChooseColorA (REF os_ChooseColor lpcc) library "comdlg32.dll"

In the constructor event write the following code::

/ / Initialize choosecolor information
/ / Convert the default custom color array to a blob variable blobedit (ibl_customcolors, 1, il_custominitcolors)

/ / Let the structure element point to the blob array
istr_choosecolor.lpcustcolors = ibl_customcolors

/ / Set the size
istr_choosecolor.lStructSize = 36

/ / No owner
SetNull (istr_choosecolor.hwndOwner)

/ / Set flag
istr_choosecolor.flags = 1

Create object function: boolean of_choosecolor (ref long al_rgbresult), the code is as follows:

boolean lb_ok
istr_ChooseColor.rgbresult = al_rgbresult
lb_ok = ChooseColorA (istr_choosecolor)
al_rgbresult = istr_ChooseColor.rgbresult
return lb_ok

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bluesea Zune xBox 360 Wii Converter

Bluesea Zune xBox 360 Wii Converter converts AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, MPEG videos to PSP WMV or MP4 video format in one simple click. It is a powerful PSP MPEG4 video converter/PSP burner with fast working speed in burning movie to PSP and downloading movie to PSP. Now you can get this PSP MPEG4 video converter at a very competitive price! Its key features include: The software features superb video audio quality and fast conversion speed. And it is very easy to use.

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